lets talk together

Walking together, talking together

Young people in risk of social exclusion and young people who have committed a crime are one of the challenges that face all the public administrations and organizations which work in the youth sector in Europe. Those young people require, from the different entities and institutions with responsibility in the field, a specialised intervention, in a way that its work and intervention line would be more adequate to attend their realities and needs.

The motto “Let’s talk, let’s walk together” represents the spirit of the Conference, of its participants, the dialogue and the action in order to generate changes. Join us!


An exceptional framework to debate and reflect on the problems of the young people


This conference is the first large international event on youth justice that has been organised in Romania, bringing together over 30 experts, researchers, professionals, and authorities from more than 10 countries. It attracted over 600 participants in the 10 streamed panels and presentations, and had a wide following on social media.

It attracted over 600 participants in the 10 streamed panels and presentations, and had a wide following on social media

Different topics were discussed, such as new visions of moving from a corrective to an educational model, and reflection and debate on whether juvenile justice is the last opportunity for young offenders.

In different parallel panels, aspects such as the design of new futures for juvenile justice, spaces as elements for change, and education as part of intervention programs for young people were analysed from an educational perspective.

Two researchers opened and closed the Conference with talks. They spoke to us about the mysterious workings of the adolescent brain, how the latest results of this research can make us rethink our interventions with young offenders, and finally how to approach paradigm shifts in changing environments.


Our goal: the convergence of juvenile justice systems at an international level

Meridians International is a foundation working towards the convergence of the world’s juvenile justice systems in accordance with a restorative justice model. In order to do this, it supports an international network to detect, study and disseminate good practice, as well as investing in prevention through education and social awareness.

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